Andrea Capellino General Manager
點擊數: 3069
交通部觀光局邀請國外五家MICE有潛力的買主來台,參加由交通部觀光局指導及台灣觀光協會主辦的「2016台北國際旅展」(Taipei International Travel Fair, Taipei ITF)及「交易洽談會」(Travel Mart) ,其中很高興能與其中一位買主Andrea Capellino訪談,Andrea Capellino是Welcome In Asia的General Manager, 公司主要在意大利或泰國從事商務旅遊行業。
1.Would you please firstly introduce your company and tell us your journey for engaging in the business travel industry either in Italy or Thailand?
Our Company is based in Thailand, Phuket, where we provide inbound services in Thailand for the European market mainly Italian and Dutch and outbound services from Thailand to the rest of South east Asia for the European and Thai market since 2007. The destinations that we cover at today are : Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Philippines . The reason why I decided to visit Taiwan is because the demand from our partners and customers to find new destinations in Asia is always increasing and Taiwan is very well located and connected to the other destinations we are covering in South East Asia.
我們公司位於泰國,普吉島,我們為歐洲市場提供入境泰國旅遊為的服務,主要是意大利和荷蘭,自2007年起,也為泰國人和歐洲人,安排到東南亞其他國家提供出境服務。我們公司覆蓋的地區為:緬甸,馬來西亞,印度尼西亞,新加坡和菲律賓。 我決定造訪台灣的原因為,我們的合作夥伴和客戶在亞洲尋找新目的地的需求總是在增加,而台灣地理位置佳,也鄰近東南亞其他國家,可以連結再一起
2. What impress you most during the trip and FAM tour? Any change of your view on Taiwan as a MICE destination?
在此次訪台和FAM tour期間,最讓你印象深刻的是什麼?您對台灣作為會展目的地的觀點是否有改變?
I was really impressed from the difference situations that a traveler can find in Taiwan just one and half hour far from each location. From Taipei one of the most Hi Tech destinations in the world to the wild nature visiting the tribal villages on the mountains. The surrounding environment is clean, safe and in every place I've been always felt a warm welcoming from the locals. Let me tell you that the food is great both for meat lovers or vegetarians the variety of dishes in never ending and the taste can fit all the expectations. The services such as ground transportation, guides, accommodations and shopping opportunities are at a very high level.
In the very first beginning before my arrival in Taiwan I was looking to Taiwan more as an another country of China but suddenly from the first beginning one day after my arrival I totally changed my mind: Taiwan is Taiwan! Unique in its style.
3. What business opportunities could you leverage after your visit to Taiwan?
Both MICE and leisure can fit the warm welcome of this wonderful destination.
4. I understand that you are positioning yourself as a high value and high-end segment of travel organizer. In this regard what opportunities and prospect for Taiwan either in Italy or Thailand?
First of all I am a worker, our customers, our guests and our partners they can decide where to positioning us, what we do every day is to give our best to get their satisfaction the highest possible and to reach 100% of positive feedback on the services that we provide. Problems always can happen, the difference is in how do you face the problems!
For the Italian market we are planning to develop group series for the next season 2017/18 studying and planning a tour of Taiwan 8/9 nights from east to west through the center to give an idea of the different cultures and history of Taiwan. For the Thai market a lower period of stay 2/4 nights, building different packages for each destination.
5. Any other suggestions?
I experienced that some of the most common international credit and debit cards are not working properly both on ATM or purchasing goods. It would be great to have an idea of which are the right one to bring visiting Taiwan.